Own your environmentally friendly green property today with Signature financing. Enjoy peace of mind with financing benefits that exceed expectations.
A financing period of up to 30 years.
Up to 100% financing provided.
Fixed interest rate for the first year: 7.25% interest rate fixed for one year, and variable after the first year, after which it will be calculated at a 5% margin added to the current interbank rate. The bank has the right to collect the margin in full or in part.
A grace period of up to 3 months.
Interest accrued during the grace period is paid from the client’s own resources monthly.
Interest accrued during the grace period is added to the loan balance monthly and paid with the installments.
Cashback at 10% of the financing value, up to a maximum of 35,000 dinars.
Pre-approved credit card, exempt from issuance fees for the first year.